Site24x7 Glossary
Explore a comprehensive glossary featuring all the must-know technical terms associated with Site24x7—a go-to resource and primary reference for understanding important terminologies and concepts.
Alarms Category: The Alarms Category feature organizes alarms based on attributes and enables customized sender email addresses with attribute names. It helps teams focus on specific attributes and use filters for efficient alarm categorization.
Alarms View: The Alarms View consolidates alerts based on the monitor name and severity, providing a centralized location for monitoring all issues across your account. This feature allows you to keep track of alerts in a more organized, efficient manner.
Alert Logs: Alert Logs provide a comprehensive record of all the alerts that have been sent. These logs contain detailed information, such as the recipient of the alert, the exact time when the alert was triggered, the alerting mode used, and the reason for the outage. By specifying the desired alerting mode and date range, you can generate a report that filters the Alert Logs accordingly.
Anomaly: An anomaly refers to an abnormal or unexpected behavior detected in monitored metrics and performance data.
Bulk Action: Bulk Action simplifies the management of multiple monitors. Users can select and perform administrative actions, such as the activation, deletion, suspension, or modification of various thresholds, User Alert Groups, Location Profiles, and tags.
Business Hours: The Business Hours feature helps you to configure time periods based on working and non-working hours. Users can set up a schedule specifying the days and times of convenience, then configure alerts and On-Call Schedules accordingly. This feature ensures you are notified during the configured business hours, contextualizes reports, and reduces the likelihood of unnecessary alerts.
Configuration Profiles: Configuration Profiles allow you to customize settings for monitoring parameters such as notifications, thresholds, Credential Profiles, and alerting. They enable uniform settings across all monitoring requirements, streamlining monitoring operations and ensuring consistency.
Credential Profile: A Credential Profile is a secure library of sensitive data. You can add credentials, associate them with monitors, and store the key usernames and passwords of your resources that need authentication for collecting metrics.
Dashboards: Dashboards consolidate important metrics from all the levels of your infrastructure in one place.
Dependent on Monitor: The Dependent on Monitor option allows you to associate a monitor with another monitor, ensuring that the monitoring of the dependent monitor will be active when the parent monitor is healthy. This helps limit the number of alert notifications.
Device Key: The Device Key is a secure alphanumeric code used as an authentication mechanism on the Site24x7 platform. It allows the transmission of authenticated, secure communications between Site24x7 agents and Site24x7 data centers, facilitating the storage of data within the data centers.
Forecast: The Forecast feature analyzes historical data and estimates the future storage consumption, helping administrators proactively plan for storage requirements and avoid potential storage capacity issues.
Infrastructure Maps: Infrastructure Maps help you visually depict the structure of your resource/monitor topology by logically organizing the nodes of your resources/monitors on a predefined or customized background. This graphical representation offers a clear view of your devices, hosts, and their interconnections, enabling you to identify the status of various resources quickly and to effectively address any issues that arise.
IT Automation: IT Automation in Site24x7 performs automatic remediation by executing predefined or custom actions, including the execution of scripts. These actions are performed during alert or threshold breaches and in other places where the execution of actions is required, which minimizes manual intervention.
Location Profile: Location Profiles help you set monitoring locations consistently from across multiple locations. Site24x7 supports over 120 global monitoring locations. Based on your monitor type, you can also choose your configured On-Premise Pollers and Mobile Network Pollers to monitor your resources. You can choose from a range of IPv4- and IPv6-supported locations worldwide, depending on your requirements.
Log Report: Log Reports include the logs of the data collection of a particular monitor during a chosen time period. You can apply filters based on the location or status. This data is available for up to 30 days.
Monitors: Site24x7 considers any resource that requires performance tracking to be a monitor, including websites, servers, network devices, applications, and other components in your IT infrastructure.
Monitor Groups: Monitor Groups help organize resources based on factors such as geography, function, topology, ownership, or business application. This creates a unified view that improves monitoring and management efficiency.
On-Call Schedule: On-Call Schedule enables 24/7 incident and outage response through alert notifications during specified shifts or business hours. You can assign user groups to designated shifts to ensure ongoing updates for any incidents or outages.
Tags: Tags in Site24x7 provide a powerful, user-friendly method of classifying and finding resources in your account. Monitor Groups in Site24x7 allow you to organize monitors by placing them into different groups. With tags, you gain greater flexibility to organize and categorize your Site24x7 monitors, alerts, and reports by adding custom metadata in the form of name-value pairs and associating them with these resources.
Threshold Profile: Threshold Profiles enable users to establish personalized monitoring thresholds for performance metrics and availability checks. By letting you define specific criteria for triggering alerts based on metrics such as the responsemanagement time, CPU usage, and disk space, these profiles facilitate proactive monitoring and of infrastructures and applications, ensuring optimal performance and availability.
Third-Party Integrations: Third-Party Integrations enable IT teams in your organization to automate and complete IT business workflows. They also expand monitoring capabilities, optimize operations, exchange data, receive notifications, and integrate with popular platforms, thereby streamlining processes within a unified interface.
Zia-based Threshold Profile: A Zia-based Threshold Profile uses AI-based anomaly detection to determine the status of a monitor dynamically, eliminating the need for hard-coded thresholds. It dynamically adjusts the thresholds of a monitor, taking into account their seasonal performance changes.
Agent: An application performance monitoring (APM) agent is a lightweight software module installed in monitored systems to collect performance data and provide APM capabilities. APM agents enable detailed monitoring of applications collecting various application metrics, transactions, and dependencies, helping you identify bottlenecks and optimize performance for an enhanced user experience.
Apdex Score: An Application Performance Index (Apdex) score refers to an open standard that measures user satisfaction with application response times. It provides a numerical value between 0 and 1, where higher scores indicate better user experiences. The formula is as follows: Apdex = (Satisfactory response times + 0.5 * Tolerable response times) / Total number of samples
APM: Site24x7's APM Insight is a comprehensive monitoring solution that provides real-time visibility into the performance of web or non-web applications, enabling businesses to optimize the user experience and ensure smooth application functioning before end users are affected. It offers features like real-time monitoring, transaction tracking, and tracing, which can go as deep as the source code that potentially caused the performance problems.
Custom Instrumentation: Custom Instrumentation refers to the ability to instrument manually or add custom code to monitor important KPIs or functions within an application.
Instance: An instance is a single occurrence of an application being monitored. Individual instances are tracked to analyze performance indicators, examine transaction flows, and identify bottlenecks, allowing for the complete monitoring and optimization of each instance to improve the overall performance of the application.
Key Transaction: In APM Insight, you can monitor the performance of business-critical transactions at a glance by marking them as Key Transactions. This helps you identify performance bottlenecks and enable proactive optimization to ensure a seamless user experience.
Milestone marker: The Milestone marker feature enables users to set specific points in time to track performance metrics. It helps you identify key events or Milestones (like build deployments, product updates, feature enhancements, and infrastructure upgrades) in the application's journey, allowing for easy analysis and comparison of the performance before and after those Milestones.
Throughput: Throughput refers to the number of requests processed by an application within a given time frame. It indicates the application's workload efficiency, providing insights into the application's performance capacity and responsiveness.
Trace: A trace is the execution flow of a transaction, including method calls, database queries, and exceptions. When a transaction exceeds a certain threshold value, it is captured as a trace.
Data store usage trend: The data store usage trend refers to storage consumption patterns over time, providing insights into data growth and helping optimize storage allocation and capacity planning.
Health Dashboard: The Health Dashboard provides a consolidated view of the overall health and performance of your VMs, ESXi hosts, clusters, resource pools, snapshots, and entire virtual environment at a glance.
Space Metrics Prediction for next 7 days: The Space Metrics Prediction for next 7 days chart shows the predicted values of the occupied space, snapshots space, and disk file space in percentages, allowing administrators to anticipate future storage needs and take proactive measures to ensure sufficient capacity.
VMware ESX/ESXi-based polling: The VMware ESX/ESXi-based polling uses ESXi credentials to fetch metrics from VMware resources, such as VMs, data stores, hardware, and resource pools.
VMware vCenter-based polling: The VMware vCenter-based polling uses vCenter credentials to monitor all the associated clusters, ESX/ESXi hosts, VMs, data stores, snapshots, resource pools, and hardware sensors.
On-Premise Poller
On-Premise Poller: The On-Premise Poller is a dedicated software probe installed within a customer's local network to securely communicate with the Site24x7 cloud platform and help monitor the internal network resources behind the firewall, like URLs, servers, VMs, VMware, Nutanix, network devices, and synthetic transactions.
High Availability: High Availability lets you associate another On-Premise Poller to act as a standby On-Premise Poller in case of downtime.
Mobile Network Poller: With the Mobile Network Poller, you can monitor mobile websites and mobile app APIs via carrier networks and enterprise Wi-Fi using a real mobile device.
Cloud (AWS/Azure/GCP)
Accounts Summary: Site24x7's AWS Accounts Summary provides high-level insights into all your AWS accounts, along with their individual resource counts. You can also obtain customized best practices and service recommendations for individual AWS accounts.
AWS inventory: The AWS Inventory Dashboard provides a detailed overview of the monitored AWS resources (such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Relational Database Service (RDS), DynamoDB, and Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), the resource history, enabled services, the resource breakdown by region, and the Guidance Report for your AWS monitors.
AWS monitoring: AWS monitoring allows you to track the health, performance, and uptime of cloud resources and the application workloads running on AWS. The Site24x7 AWS monitoring tool enables comprehensive monitoring of your Amazon cloud infrastructure with preconfigured solutions, resource usage analysis, and dynamic workload adaptation.
Azure activity logs: Azure activity logs are collected at regular intervals based on the user's configuration. The collection frequency can be set to either 15 or 30 minutes, allowing you to choose the interval that best suits your monitoring needs. By configuring alerts, you receive notifications for specific activities performed by the user on the Azure portal. This enables you to stay informed about important actions and changes pertaining to your Azure subscription.
Azure service: An Azure service is a product of Azure that helps you build and manage resources and create solutions. With Site24x7, you can monitor over 100 Azure services from a single, unified portal.
CloudFormation template: The AWS CloudFormation template helps you create an IAM role that automatically integrates your AWS account with Site24x7.
Control Tower: The AWS Control Tower provisions your AWS accounts to meet your organization's security and compliance requirements. Site24x7 uses AWS Control Tower life cycle events to automatically discover all the accounts in your organization, including new accounts.
Discovery: With the Discovery feature, when new services or resources are added to the Azure account, they will be discovered every 30 minutes. Site24x7 also lets you manually trigger the Discovery process for new Azure services and resources using the Discover Now option. For GCP, when new services or resources are added, they will be discovered every minute, and this can be customized.
Infrastructure Dashboard: The Infrastructure Dashboard allows you to conveniently view your resources based on their status, making it easy to assess their health and identify any issues. You can filter and narrow down the resources based on various criteria. This level of granularity ensures that you can efficiently locate and manage specific resources within your environment.
Guidance Report: Guidance Reports help you identify the monitored AWS resources that don't comply with a baseline by generating a report based on that data and informing you via email. The best practice recommendations are categorized into cost, availability, and security.
Polling frequency: The polling frequency is the rate at which the Site24x7, monitor collects data. It's usually five minutes for Azure and GCP.
S3 folder monitoring: The Amazon S3 console supports the folder concept as a means of grouping objects. Site24x7's Amazon S3 folder monitoring feature allows you to monitor your S3 virtual folders along with the S3 bucket.
S3 object monitoring: Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is an object store that uses unique key-values to store as many objects as you want. Site24x7's prebuilt API monitoring functionality runs periodic checks on S3 object URLs to ensure their functionality. At the configured interval, Site24x7 sends out HTTP requests to the object URLs from each of the configured locations and validates the results.
Service View: The Service View lets you have a comprehensive view of all the services and resources in your Site24x7 account. The Azure Service View also provides the option to enable monitoring for the unmonitored service types with a single click. This streamlines the process of expanding your monitoring coverage.
Service Quotas: Service Quotas allow users to view and manage quotas for AWS services. Site24x7's AWS Service Quotas feature enables you to view and manage your quotas directly from the Site24x7 web client, so you needn't log in to the AWS console. Quotas are simply the maximum usage limits for the resources in your AWS account. These limits are predefined with default values and can be increased according to your business demands.
Network Device Templates: Device Templates are used for the automatic classification of devices during the discovery and monitoring of performance metrics. Device Templates contain device details like the vendor, category, and Performance Counters.
Performance Counters: Performance Counters collect and display the data from SNMP object identifiers (OIDs) in an understandable format. They can be scalar or tabular, or you can view them as a table.
SNMP MIB: An SNMP management information base (MIB) is a framework that specifies the format for exchanging information in an SNMP system. MIBs are stored on the device and can be understood by MIB editors, network management tools, and network simulation tools.
SNMP OIDs: The managed elements in a MIB file are referred to as OIDs. OIDs are identifiable by strings of numbers separated by dots. MIBs organize OIDs hierarchically, represented by a tree structure with individual variable identifiers for each OID. This tree structure contains all the manageable features of all the products arranged in it.
Table View: A Table View consolidates multiple Tabular Performance Counters in a single table. Table Views are helpful when you have multiple Tabular Performance Counters for a single network device.
Tabular Performance Counters: Tabular Performance Counters list the performance attributes of tabular OIDs. Tabular OIDs are helpful when multiple instances of the same attribute (such as the fan speed, temperature, and access points statistics) exist for a single network device.
Trap Processors: Trap Processors are used for processing the raw SNMP traps sent by network devices and displaying them as simple, understandable messages. SNMPv2c/v3 traps are classified based on the trap OID, as defined in the vendor's MIB.
NetFlow Analyzer
Application Templates: Application Templates are used for classifying the network traffic based on the port, protocol, and IP address. Applications are categorized based on the source IP address, destination IP address, source port, destination port, and protocol values in the flow record.
DSCP Templates: Differentiated services code point (DSCP) is a method used to classify and manage network traffic. It also helps obtain the quality of service stats of modern networks. DSCP uses the 6-bit differentiated services (DS) field (a binary number) in the IP header for packet classification and is based on differentiated services (DiffServ) computer networking architecture. The DiffServ model for DSCP mapping was developed to differentiate IP traffic so that the traffic's relative priority could be determined based on the data's code points. DSCP Templates contain predefined code points to monitor traffic based on the priority defined by the source device.
Baseline version: A baseline version is an approved version of a device configuration that can be used to return the network to full working capacity quickly if there are any errors in the running configuration. You can select the best-performing version of the device configuration as the baseline in NCM.
Change Type (Authorized/Unauthorized): The Change Type field displays whether a configuration version is authorized or unauthorized. The network administrators can view the configuration version and decide if the Change Type needs to be changed from the existing state.
NCM Device Templates: NCM Device Templates define the commands to connect, back up, restore, or perform other configuration-related operations on a device. To perform these operations, the On-Premise Poller connects to the device using protocols like SSH, SSH - SCP, SSH - TFTP, TELNET, and TELNET - TFTP. Device Templates provide device-specific commands for backing up device configurations, discovering devices in NCM, syncing startup and running configurations, and obtaining hardware details.
SCP Server: A Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) server allows the secure transfer of files between two devices. If a device is connected to Site24x7's NCM by SCP, the machine with the On-Premise Poller installed becomes the SCP Server. Site24x7's NCM uses SSH to connect to the device and SCP to download or upload configuration files.
TFTP Server: Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a protocol for exchanging files between two devices. If a device is connected to Site24x7's NCM by TFTP, the On-Premise Poller installed machine becomes the TFTP Server. Site24x7's NCM uses SSH to connect to the device and TFTP to download or upload configuration files.
AJAX calls: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) calls are a technique used to send and receive data from a web server without reloading the entire webpage. It allows for dynamic content updates, improved interactivity, and an enhanced user experience by making asynchronous data requests in the background.
Device type: A device type in Site24x7's RUM refers to the classification of devices used by users to access a web application, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. This classification helps understand user behavior and optimize the application's performance across various device types.
Filterable Performance: Filterable Performance refers to Site24x7's capability of refining and customizing performance data based on specific parameters, including the browsers, devices, countries, users, domains, and ISPs. It allows you to focus on the specific metrics of your application, providing a more targeted, detailed analysis of performance data.
JavaScript errors: JavaScript errors pertain to coding issues within a web application's JavaScript code that can have an impact on the application's performance. Monitoring and analyzing these errors keeps the application running smoothly and improves the user experience.
Minified file: A minified file refers to the version of a web application's code that has been compressed by removing unnecessary characters and whitespace. This optimization technique reduces the file size, improves load times, and enhances web performance.
Pageview: A Pageview in Site24x7's RUM refers to the initial webpage loaded by a web browser and the associated HTTP calls in traditional applications (with Track Cross Domain Ajax Calls enabled), regardless of the number of resources loaded behind the webpage. For example, a single webpage might require multiple resource calls for images and CSS, but these aren't counted as separate Pageviews. Pageviews are only calculated for the webpage that the user visits. If a user views the same page more than once or refreshes a page and views it again, it is counted as a separate Pageview.
Site24x7's RUM: Real user monitoring (RUM) is a web monitoring technique that captures and analyzes user interactions on a web application in real time, providing insights into performance and the user experience. It helps you identify bottlenecks, optimize web performance, and enhance overall user satisfaction.
Source Map: A Source Map is a file that maps the minified file (the compressed version of a web application's code) to its source code. It enables developers to debug and troubleshoot issues by providing accurate line numbers and function names in the compressed code.
SPA: A single-page application (SPA) refers to a web application that dynamically updates content on a single page, eliminating the need for page reloads. It provides a seamless user experience by allowing interactions and data retrieval without interrupting the overall flow of the application.
User sessions: User sessions in Site24x7's RUM refer to periods during which users interact with the application, from the moment they access the site until they leave. Monitoring user sessions helps you track how users navigate through your website and how much time they spend on each webpage and in each session.
Waterfall Analysis: Waterfall Analysis is a feature in Site24x7's RUM that provides invaluable insights into the list of resources used to load a page and the time taken for each resource. It allows you to see how a page is loaded and identify the requests that took the longest time, helping you to pinpoint areas for performance optimization on that page.
Cluster messages based on pattern similarity: Site24x7 lets you cluster messages based on pattern similarity to group similar log lines that share a common pattern.
Derived Fields: The Derived Fields feature allows you to create custom parsing rules for log fields to extract useful information.
Discovered Log Types: Automatically discover Log Types by analyzing the known patterns of various applications or system logs generated on the servers.
Log Pattern: A Log Pattern is the format in which Site24x7 parses your logs.
Log Profile: A Log Profile is created by associating a Log Type with a log source.
Log Templates: Log Templates are used to soft-match log lines to group messages with similar structures and display the variable parts in those strings separately.
Log time zone: The appropriate time zone for your logs is chosen if the time zone is not present in the log line. Otherwise, Site24x7 automatically fetches the time zone from the machine on which the Site24x7 server monitoring agent is installed.
Log Type: A Log Type is a clear definition of the format in which an application writes logs.
Log Type view: The creation of customized views for the Log Type is achieved by selecting contextual fields in the Log Type view.
Query language: A query language is an easy-to-understand language for searching values and filtering out invalid ones.
ReIndex: ReIndex is a feature that lets you access older logs by enabling longer retention for your account.
Related Log Templates: Create a template between two Log Types to compare multiple fields using Related Log Templates.
Relative time period: The relative time period is an option that lets you search your logs from specific days, hours, or minutes.
Saved Searches: Saved Searches are search queries you can save for quick access. For each Log Type, Saved Searches will be added to the default dashboard. You can also add the Saved Searches widgets to your custom dashboard.
Agent: The agent is the software package installed on the server. It is the short version of the Site24x7 server monitoring agent.
Agent logs: Agent logs are the log entries of agent operations.
AppLogs agent: The Applog agent is the service responsible for log collection.
Auto upgrade the agent: The Auto upgrade the agent feature can be enabled on the Settings page to upgrade the agent automatically when a new stable version of the agent is released.
Bulk install: Bulk install is an installation method for installing the agent on more than one server with minimal manual intervention.
Child monitor: A child monitor, or sub-monitor, is a monitor that is dependent on the top-level monitor. For example, a server monitor is a parent monitor, while the server's disk monitor is a child monitor.
Cluster: A cluster is a group of interconnected, resource-sharing, single-system computers or servers.
Heartbeat: The heartbeat data, sent every minute, conveys the availability of the server to the data center.
Plugin: A plugin is an add-on to the server monitor.
Plugin agent: The plugin agent is the service responsible for plugin integrations.
Poll: To poll is to collect data from the server.
Polling frequency: The polling frequency is the time interval between two successive instances of data collection.
Resource Check Profile: Resource checks are the checks set up on servers, like content checks and firewall checks. Creating a Resource Check Profile helps you associate one check with many servers.
Custom plugin: A custom plugin can monitor any element of the technology stack, such as custom services, applications, and hardware devices, using custom scripts. The custom scripts can be written using Python or shell for Linux or using Batch, PowerShell, VBScript, or DLL for Windows.
Inventory Dashboard: The Inventory Dashboard for plugins provides a convenient way to view all your plugin monitors based on their installation status and type. You can filter and group the monitors based on different criteria, making it easier to locate and manage specific plugin monitors within your environment.
Plugin Installation Errors: Plugin Installation Errors are error messages that may appear when adding a plugin. To successfully add a plugin as a monitor, you need to fix any errors in the plugin and re-register it.
Plugin Integrations: Plugin Integrations are monitors for popular apps, systems, and services in your IT infrastructure. They use ready-to-install scripts, or you can use them as custom plugins by writing custom scripts for apps and services. Plugin Integrations are also referred to as plugins.
Plugin Template: A Plugin Template is a user-customized monitor type that allows you to define the attributes and units you want to monitor. Each Plugin Template has a unique name, is associated with a specific set of attributes, and has its own version number. A new Plugin Template is created when attributes for an existing plugin and its version number are updated.
Plugin version: Each Plugin Template is linked to a set of attributes along with the plugin's version number. When you make changes or add attributes to a Plugin Template, the plugin version number should increase in increments of one.
Re-register plugins: If there are any errors during the installation of a plugin, you need to re-register it to successfully add it as a monitor. After 12 consecutive poll failures, a Plugin Template gets moved to the ignored state, and re-registering the plugin is necessary to include it as a monitor.
CDN miss: In the CDN report, a CDN miss refers to a situation where a user requesting content from your website is unable to retrieve it from the content delivery network (CDN) servers. A CDN miss occurs when a user requests a specific piece of website content, but the CDN edge server cannot locate it in its cache. This can happen for several reasons, like the requested content not being cached by the CDN, or when the cached version expires and needs to be refreshed from the origin server. Another scenario is when the content on your origin server might not have been updated recently and the CDN edge server might not yet have the latest version cached. By minimizing CDN misses, you can ensure faster content delivery, leading to a smoother and more enjoyable user experience for your website visitors.
CDN report: CDN report is an analysis of how your website's content is being delivered through a content delivery network (CDN). The report shows how much of your website's content is being served from the CDN servers compared to your origin server.
The report also provides details on individual resources (images, scripts, stylesheets) being delivered through the CDN. The CDN report drills deep into performance metrics like cache hit rate, average load times, and error rates for resources served through the CDN. This data helps you understand how efficiently the CDN is delivering content.
Collection summary: An in-depth version of the log report that helps to view details for a specific collection time period.
Global monitoring locations: Global monitoring locations refer to a network of servers strategically positioned at various locations across the world. These servers act as the launching points for monitoring your websites or applications. Understanding regional performance enables you to optimize your website or application for users across the globe, ultimately leading to a better user experience. These locations act as points of presence probes for users.
Lighthouse report: A Lighthouse report is a detailed analysis of a webpage's performance, accessibility, search engine optimization (SEO), and more. It's generated by an open-source tool called Lighthouse, often integrated with website monitoring platforms like Site24x7.
By analyzing the report, you can pinpoint areas that are slowing down your webpage's load time and can make more focussed optimization efforts. By providing actionable insights into various aspects of your webpage, it empowers you to create a website that's fast, accessible, SEO-friendly, and ultimately delivers a superior user experience.
Poll Now report: The Poll Now report helps you gain insights on your monitors' performance- and availability-related metrics from all configured locations. You can use this report during outages to track possible reasons for the outage and debug issues in real time.
Primary location: Primary location is the main hub from which your monitoring activities are initially launched. It acts as the default starting point for checks and data collection. It's the main source of data used to assess the performance and functionality of your website or application.
The performance metrics (for example, response times, error rates) measured from the primary data point. Deviations from this baseline can indicate potential issues
Recorder: A recorder is a tool that helps you capture the user journey through your web application for creating a web transaction monitor. The recorder tracks every user action made on the page or application. The no-code recorder simplifies the process of creating web transaction monitors. Instead of manually coding the steps, you can point and click using the recorder to record a real user flow and convert it into a monitor.
Root cause analysis: Root cause analysis, or RCA, is a powerful feature that helps you identify the underlying reason behind website or application downtime incidents. While standard downtime alerts simply notify you that your website or application is down, RCA digs deeper to uncover the specific reason behind the outage. RCA analyzes various data points like server logs, CPU and memory usage, network connectivity, and error messages to pinpoint the root cause.
Once the root cause is identified, Site24x7 generates a detailed RCA report that summarizes the findings, including relevant data and troubleshooting steps. By providing detailed insights into the root cause of downtime incidents, it helps you address problems more effectively and ensure optimal performance for your users.
Secondary location: Secondary location refers to an additional monitoring location from where you can check the availability of your websites or applications. It acts as an extra check or provides insights into user experience from a different geographical region.
If the primary location experiences an outage or connectivity issues, the secondary location ensures your monitoring continues, providing valuable data. Also, having monitoring data from multiple locations strengthens the overall reliability of your monitoring setup.
Secondary polling frequency: Secondary polling frequency refers to the interval at which your website or application is checked from secondary monitoring locations.
Waterfall chart: In webpage speed (browser) monitoring, a waterfall chart is a visual representation of the loading process for a webpage. It provides a detailed breakdown of all the elements (resources) that contribute to the overall page load time. Each bar in the chart represents a specific resource, such as images, scripts, stylesheets, or HTML files.
The length of each bar corresponds to the time it takes for a specific resource to load. Longer bars indicate resources that are taking longer to load and potentially slowing down the page. By analyzing the waterfall chart, you can easily identify resources that are taking a long time to load, allowing you to focus optimization efforts on those specific elements.
Ask Zia: Ask Zia is an AI-powered analytics assistant that helps users retrieve insights and generate reports using natural language queries. With Ask Zia, users can quickly access key metrics, filter data, and gain deeper business insights without needing complex queries or manual analysis.