Help Docs

Performance metrics of an IPAM monitor

View detailed performance metrics for your IP address management (IPAM) monitor and track IP and DNS details. Learn how to add an IPAM monitor, set thresholds, and get alerts when the configured values exceed the thresholds.

To view the performance metrics of an IPAM monitor:

  1. Log in to your Site24x7 account. 
  2. Navigate to Network > IPAM > Subnets. Then, click the required monitor to view the Summary tab (Fig. 1). 





Shows the availability of the IPAM monitor as a percentage; clicking the number displays the Availability Summary Report

Subnet Size

Shows the number of IP addresses present in the subnet

IP Availability Status

Shows the details of IP availability as percentages, segmented by the following sections:

  • Occupied

  • Transient

  • Available

  • Not scanned

DNS Status

Shows the DNS statuses as percentages, segmented by the following sections:

  • IP to DNS lookup failure

  • DNS to IP lookup failure

  • DNS to IP lookup mismatch

  • Successful DNS Resolution

  • DNS Not Applicable

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