Wildfly Logs
Wildfly is a lightweight, powerful, and standard-based application server that helps with creating strong applications quickly. Wildfly is written in Java and is implemented in Java environments. Wildfly can also run on multiple platforms. Site24x7 AppLogs natively supports Wildfly logs.
Getting started
1. Log in to your Site24x7 account.
2. Download and install the Site24x7 Server Monitoring agent (Windows | Linux).
3. Go to Admin > AppLogs > Log Profile and select Add Log Profile.
4. Enter the Profile Name.
5. Select Wildfly Logs from the Choose the Log Type dropdown.
- The Log Pattern and Sample Logs are displayed below.
Sample Logs:
[2019-09-04 15:53:15] production.INFO: UPDATE_USER_LOGIN_INFO: User with ID 728 updated to logins=485, last_login=2019-09-04 15:53:15
[2019-09-04 15:53:52] production.INFO: UPDATE_USER_LOGIN_INFO: User with ID 69 updated to logins=156, last_login=2019-09-04 15:53:52
[2019-09-04 17:05:02] production.INFO: HOST_EXIST: FAILED Host in1-smtp does not exist, redirect to public home
This log is separated into fields, each of which takes its respective value and is then uploaded to Site24x7. - By default, this is the log pattern identified by Site24x7 AppLogs for Wildfly logs:
[$Datetime:date$] $Environment$.$Level$: $Message$ - You can also add a custom log pattern instead of the default one. To do so, click the pencil icon and specify your pattern.

6. Select the Local File as the Log Source.
7. By default, the paths below are used as a file source:
- If your source path is different from the default path, specify it while adding the log profile.
8. You can either select monitors or monitor groups to collect the logs.

9. Click Save.
AppLogs creates an exclusive dashboard for every log type and shows a few widgets by default. Here's a list of the widgets available in the Wildfly logs dashboard:
- Logging Levels
- Exceptions
- Top Error Occurring Modules

Related log types 
On this page
- Getting started
- Dashboard
- Related log types