New AWS integration: Elastic Container Service - Site24x7 Forum
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New AWS integration: Elastic Container Service

Amazon's Elastic Container Service (ECS) makes it easy to build, run, and scale all types of containerized applications. Although Amazon ECS eliminates the need to manage and operate the infrastructure underlying your dockerized application, you still need system-level visibility into the various ECS components to effectively model service and task definitions.

With the ECS integration, you can now use Site24x7 to get this visibility. For example, you can monitor CPU usage, memory utilization, and reservation stats — all on cluster level — for tasks using the EC2 launch type, and service-level utilization metrics for tasks using Fargate.

Additionally, you can see which containers are running inside which clusters and view information on stopped tasks to understand task status changes.

A few things to remember

Licensing: An ECS cluster or an ECS service are each considered a basic monitor.

Alert-ready metrics: Get metrics on CPU reservation, cluster CPU utilization, service CPU utilization, memory reservation, cluster memory utilization, service memory utilization, the number of tasks in pending and running states, the number of active services, the number of container instances, and more.

Existing AWS monitoring users can enable the ECS integration in minutes by following these steps:

  1. Log in to the Site24x7 web console. In the left navigation pane, select AWS and choose the monitored AWS account.
  2. In the drop-down menu, click Service View. A card view representing the current state of your AWS integration will appear.
  3. Find the card related to ECS, click Enable Integration, and choose Confirm.

New users can enable monitoring for their ECS resources by just checking a box during the AWS account integration process. Learn more.

Well, that's it for now. As always, if you have any questions or feedback, you can get in touch with us at support@site24x7, or post to this forum. Cheers!

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