Install Ruby agent
Supported environments
- Ruby - 1.8.7 and higher
- Rails - 3.0 and higher
- Sinatra - 1.4.0 and higher
Steps to install APM Insight Ruby on Rails agent
After downloading the agent, verify it's integrity using checksum validation before installation. Learn more.
For Heroku applications
- Download the site24x7_apminsight.gem file from your Site24x7 account.
- Copy this file to your application home directory.
- Open 'Gemfile' in text editor, add gem 'site24x7_apminsight'.
- Execute 'bundle install' to install the dependencies.
- Push these changes to your project repository (differs based on your deployment method).
- Go to Heroku> your application > settings > Config variables, add the following variables
- S247_LICENSE_KEY = Enter your Site24x7 Account license key
- APM_APPLICATION_NAME = Enter your application name
- Deploy the application in Heroku.
For all other applications
- Select APM > APM Insight tab.
- Click on Ruby tab to download the file.
- Click Download to deploy the agent into your application server.
- Ruby Agent installation can be done in two ways
- Install from by using the following command
gem install site24x7_apminsight
- Download the site24x7_apminsight.gem file from your user account in Site24x7 after sign in and run the command gem install {path}/site24x7_apminsight.gem.
- Install from by using the following command

- For Rails environment,
- Add the following line into Gemfile
gem 'site24x7_apminsight'
- Bundle it to your application by executing command,
bundle install
- Add the following line into Gemfile
- For Sinatra environment,
- Add the following line into Gemfile
gem 'site24x7_apminsight'
- If you are not using Bunde.requirein your application, add the line
require 'site24x7_apminsight'
- Add the following line into Gemfile
- Once the gem is installed in your respective environment, copy the apminsight.conf file from {gem_installed_directory}/site24x7_apminsight/conf directory to application home directory.
- All other configurations such as adding license key etc. has to be done from here.
- Restart the application server