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Amazon API Gateway Monitoring

Amazon API Gateway lets you create, configure and host RESTful APIs to help mobile apps and web application access AWS services. Using Site24x7's AWS integration you can monitor statistics on API calls, caching, latency, server-side and client errors not only on an API stage level but also on a method level.

Monitor API execution at the stage level


API Gateway automatically exposes metrics to CloudWatch on the API and stage-level. To monitor API calls, latency, integration latency, 400 and 500 errors for all methods associated with an resource you need to enable Detailed CloudWatch metrics.

To enable Detailed CloudWatch metrics:

  • Sign in to AWS management console. Go to the API Gateway console.
  • Choose the API. Click on Stages.
  • In the Stage list for the API, choose the stage.
  • Choose Logs in the Stage Editor.
  • To enable, choose Enable Detailed CloudWatch Metrics under CloudWatch Settings.
  • Choose Save Changes.

Setup and configuration

  • If you haven't done it already, please enable access to your AWS resources either by creating Site24x7 as an IAM user or by creating a cross-account IAM role between your AWS account and Site24x7's AWS account. Learn more.
  • Next, in the Integrate AWS Account page, please ensure the check box next to the API Gateway Stage listing is selected. Learn more.

Policies and permissions

Please make sure the following read-level action is present in the policy document assigned to the Site24x7 IAM entity. Learn more.

  • "apigateway:GET"

Polling frequency

By default, API Gateway metric data points are sent to CloudWatch every 1 minute. Site24x7 aggregates the data collected at every 1 minute into 5 minute averages. Learn more.

IT Automations

You can add automations for the AWS services supported by Site24x7. Log in to Site24x7 and go to Admin > IT Automation Templates (+) > Add Automation Templates. Once automations are added, you can schedule them to be executed one after the other.

You can now automatically invoke an api in the Amazon API Gateway using Amazon API Gateway automations.

Supported metrics

Site24x7 collects the following metrics on an API stage level.

Metric Description Data type Statistic
4XX errors Measures the number of captured client-side errors Count Sum
5XX errors Measures the number of captured server-side errors. Count Sum
Cache hit count Measures the number of requests served from the API cache. Count Sum
Cache miss count Measures the number of requests served by the back-end when caching is enabled. Count Sum
Count Measures the total number of API requests Count Sum
Integration latency Measures the elapsed time between when an API Gateway routes a request to the back end and receives a response from the back end. Millisecond Average and 95th percentile
Latency Measures the elapsed time between when an API Gateway receives a request from the client and when it returns a response to the client. Millsecond Average and 95th percentile

API Settings

Attribute Description
API Endpoint  The URI of the API 
API  Key Selection Expression This expression is evaluated when the service determines that the request should be proceed only if the client provides a valid API key 
Disable Execute API Endpoint  Specifies whether clients can invoke your API by using the default execute-api endpoint
Created Date  The date and time when the API was created 
Route Selection Expression  A route selection expression is evaluated when the service is selecting the route to follow for an incoming message 

Stage Settings

Attribute Description
Protocol Type  The type of API—HTTP, WebSocket, or REST
Stage Name The name of the stage 
API Gateway ID The ID of the API 
API Gateway Name  The name of the API Gateway 
Region  The region where the API is created 
Auto Deployment Specifies whether the deployment was automatically released 
Created Date  The date at which the stage was created 
Last Updated Time  The time at which the stage was last updated 
Deployment ID  The identifier for the deployment 
Description  The description of the deployment 
Client Certificate ID  The identifier of a client certificate for a stage. Supported only for WebSocket APIs 
Stage variables  A map that defines the stage variables for a stage resource 

 Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Details

Attribute Description
Allow Credentials Specifies whether credentials are included in the CORS request. Supported only for HTTP APIs 
Allow Headers Represents a collection of allowed headers. Supported only for HTTP APIs 
Allow Methods  Represents a collection of allowed HTTP methods. Supported only for HTTP APIs
Allow Origins Represents a collection of allowed origins. Supported only for HTTP APIs 
Expose Headers  Represents a collection of exposed headers. Supported only for HTTP APIs 
Max Age  The number of seconds that the browser should cache preflight request results. Supported only for HTTP APIs 

 Access Log Settings

Attribute Description
Destination ARN The ARN of the CloudWatch logs' log group to receive access logs 
Format  A single line format of the access logs of data, as specified by selected $context variables. The format must include at least $context.requestId

Default Route Settings

Attribute Description
Detailed Metrics Enabled Specifies whether detailed metrics are enabled for the stage
Throttling Burst Limit  Specifies the throttling burst limit of the stage 
Throttling Rate Limit  Specifies the throttling rate limit of the stage 
DataTrace Enabled  Specifies whether data trace logging is enabled for this Route or not 
Logging Level  Specifies the logging level for this Route: INFO, ERROR, or OFF  

To view data

  • Sign in to the Site24x7 console. Click on AWS. Choose the monitored AWS account.
  • Choose API Gateway Stage from the menu dropdown.
  • From the list of monitored API stages, choose the stage for which you want to see metrics for.
  • The various time series graphs (visual representation of your metrics) applicable for your resource can be seen in the API Gateway Summary tab.

Monitored Resources

View a list of monitored API Gateway Resources and Routes associated with your API Gateway Stage. Click on an individual listing to see performance and resource usage stats associated with that resource. You can also set thresholds and be notified when any of these services fail by clicking the pencil icon under Action.

Monitor API execution at the method level

Monitor, visualize and alert on API execution metrics for all defined methods associated with a resource path to solve problems in API execution and implementation.

Pre requisites

  • The Amazon API Gateway integration should be enabled.
  • The API Gateway stage monitor in the Site24x7 console should be active.
  • Detailed CloudWatch metrics must be enabled for the API stage.

Add API Gateway Resource Monitor

This section describes how to discover and add API Gateway resources as monitors:

  • Sign in to the Site24x7 console. Click on AWS. Choose the monitored AWS account.
  • From the menu dropdown, choose API Gateway Resource.


This section describes how you can opt-in specific resources from you API stage.

  • Choose an API stage from the dropdown (multiple selections is not possible)
  • Next, type a proper Regex to match resources in the chosen API stage. Append .* as a prefix or suffix to the input string to opt-in specific resources from the API stage.
    For example, imagine that the API stage exposes multiple resources Viz. /income, /user, /expense. You can type in .*/income to only include resources belonging to that particular path.
  • Click on Discover Resources.


All the resources matching your Regex pattern, along with their methods would get listed below.

  • Click on the check box next to the resource path for the resource you wish to monitor
  • Click on Add selected Resources to them as monitors.

To view data

  • Sign in to the Site24x7 console.
  • Click on AWS. Choose the monitored AWS account.
  • Choose API Gateway Resource from the menu dropdown.
  • From the list of monitored resources, choose the resource for which you want to see metrics for.


API Overview

The API Overview tab provides information about the service's state and configuration.

Stage properties

Atrribute Description
API Gateway id Displays the API identifier.
API Gateway name Shows the API Gateway name.
Region Shows the region where the API gateway resides.
Atrribute Description
Stage name Displays the name of the stage (The first path segment in the URI of a call to API gateway)
Created date Displays the timestamp when the stage was created.
Last updated time Displays the timestamp when the stage last updated.
Deployment id Displays the Deployment identifier that the stage points to.
Description Shows the stage's description.
Cache cluster Shows whether a cache cluster is enabled for this stage.
Cache cluster size The size of the cache cluster, if enabled.
Cache cluster status The status of the cache cluster, if enabled.
Document version Shows the version of the associated API documentation.
Access logs Displays the setting for logging access.
Client certificate id Displays the client certificate identifier for the API stage.
stage variables Displays the stage variables.

Method settings

Attribute Description
Metrics monitoring Specifies whether Amazon CloudWatch metrics are enabled or not.
Logging level Specifies the logging level for the method (OFF,ERROR or INFO.
Data trace Specifies whether trace logging is enabled for this method.
Throttling burst limit Specifies the throttling burst limit.
Throttling rate limit Specifies the throttling rate limit.
Destination ARN Displays the ARN of the CloudWatch logs group that receives access logs.
API cache Shows whether responses should be cached and returned for requests or not.
Cache time to live Displays the time to live (TTL) in seconds, for cached responses.
Cache data encryption Shows whether the cache response is encrypted or not.
Require authorization Shows whether authorization is required for cache invalidation request. 
Handle authorization requests Displays how to handle unauthorized requests for cache invalidation.

Canary settings

Attribute Description
Canary deployment ID Shows the identifier of the canary deployment the stage points to.
Percent traffic Displays the percent of traffic diverted to a canary deployment.
Canary stage variables Shows the stage variables overidden for canary release deployment.
Use of stage cache Indicates whether canary deployement stage uses the stage cache or not. 

Resource settings

Attribute Description
Resource ID Displays the resource identifier.
Parent ID Displays the percent of traffic diverted to a canary deployment.
Resource path Shows the full path for the resource.
Methods Shows the method's HTTP verb.

Monitor API execution at the route level

Discover, monitor, visualize, and receive alerts on API execution metrics for all defined routes associated with your HTTP and websocket API Gateways. This helps to track the route to different stages.


  • The Amazon API Gateway integration must be enabled.
  • The route of the API stage monitor should be active.
  • Detailed CloudWatch metrics must be enabled for the stage.

Adding and discovering API Gateway Route monitors

Discover and add your API Gateway Routes as monitors by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your Site24x7 web client, go to Cloud > AWS > and choose the monitored AWS account.
  2. From the drop-down menu, choose API Gateway Route and click Discover. Or, you can click the + button near API Gateway Route on the left pane.
  3. In the Add API Gateway Route Monitorscreen that opens, follow the steps below:
    • Choose API Gateway Stage: Select the route associated with your HTTP and websocket API Gateways.
    • Use Regex to Opt-in Routes: Type a regular expression (Regex) to match the routes in the chosen API Stage. Append .* as a prefix or suffix to the input string to opt-in specific resources from the API stage. Refer to the examples below.
    • Click Discover.
  4. Detailed Metrics are Not Enabled: Discover and monitor API Gateway Routes to obtain detailed insights. To accomplish this, click Enable Detailed Metrics.

Enabling API Gateway Route monitoring will incur additional charges to your AWS account.

Examples for using Regex to opti-in routes

  1. If the API stage exposes multiple resources like /income, /user, and /expense. You can type in .*/income to only include the resources belonging to that particular path.
  2. Routes consist of two parts: an HTTP method and a resource path. If you want filter based on the method, you can specify method name like GET, POST, OPTION, PUT, or DELETE
    • GET /bookStore/allBooks - Gives all the book information
    • GET /bookStore/book?bookName=AWS - Gives all AWS book details
    • POST /bookStrore/addDetail/book?id=10?name=JAVA?price=200 - Adds the book details to book store
    • DELETE /bookStrore/removeDetail?id=10?name=JAVA - Deletes specific book details
  3. If you want to list all GET method resources, you can type GET to list all the resources belonging to that particular method. You will receive the result as:
    • GET /bookStore/allBooks - Gives all book information
    • GET /bookStore/book?bookName=AWS - Gives all AWS book details

Discovered API Gateway Routes

  1. This section will be visible only if you'd clicked Enable Detailed Metrics in the previous step.
  2. The discovered API Gateway Route paths will be displayed. Check the boxes next to the API Gateway Route paths of the routes that you wish to monitor.
  3. Then click, Add Selected Routes.

Viewing API Gateway Routes monitoring data

  1. From the Site24x7 web client, go to Cloud > AWS > and choose the monitored AWS account.
  2. Choose API Gateway Route from the dropdown menu.
  3. From the list of monitors, choose the API Gateway Route monitor for which you want to view the metrics.

Monitoring API Gateway Routes

Performance metrics at the HTTP-level

Attribute Description Data type Statistic
4xx Errors Measures the number of captured client-side errors  Count Sum
5xx Errors Measures the number of captured server-side errors  Count 


Count  Measures the total number of API requests  Count  Sum
Integration Latency  Measures the elapsed time between when an API Gateway routes a request to the back end and receives a response  Millisecond  Average and 95th percentile
Latency  Measures the elapsed time between when an API Gateway receives a request from the client and when it returns a response to the client  Millisecond  Average and 95th percentile 
Data Processed  The total data processed by the API Gateway Route  Megabytes  Sum 

Performance metrics at the websocket-level

Attribute Description Data type Statistic
Connect Count  The number of messages sent to the $connect route integration  Count Sum
Message Count    The number of messages sent to the WebSocket API, either from, or to the client Count  Sum 
Integration Error   The number of requests that return a 4XX/5XX response from the integration  Count  Sum 
Client Error   The number of requests that have a 4XX response returned by API Gateway before the integration is invoked  Count  Sum
Execution Error   Errors that occurred when calling the integration  Count  Sum 
Integration Latency  The time difference between API Gateway sending the request to the integration, and API Gateway receiving the response from the integration. Suppressed for callbacks and mock integrations  Millisecond Average 


Attribute Description
API Gateway ID API Gateway ID of the Route that is being monitored
API Gateway Name API Gateway name of the Route that is being monitored 
Region  The region in which the API Gateway is deployed 
Stage Name  The stage name of the Route that is being monitored 
Route ID  The ID of the Route that is being monitored 
Resource Endpoint URL  The URL of the API Gateway Route that is being monitored 
Resource Path  The Route key for the API Gateway Route that is being monitored and is a combination of the HTTP method and resource path
Methods  The HTTP method of the Route 
Protocol Type  The type of API 
API Key Required  Specifies whether an API key is required for this Route. Supported only for WebSocket APIs 
Authorization  Shows if authorization is enabled for the Route that is being monitored 
Target  The target for the Route 

Integration Details

Attribute Description
Connection Type The type of the network connection to the integration endpoint
Connection ID The ID of the VPC link for a private integration. Supported only for HTTP APIs 
Integration ID Represents the identifier of an integration 
Integration Method  Specifies the integration's HTTP method type 
Integration Type  The type of the integration such as AWS, AWS_PROXY, HTTP, HTTP_PROXY, or MOCK 
Integration URI   The URI of a Lambda function, a fully-qualified URL, or the ARN of an Application Load Balancer listener, Network Load Balancer listener, or AWS Cloud Map service
Payload Format Version Specifies the format of the payload sent to an integration 
Time Out  Custom timeout between 50 and 29,000 milliseconds for WebSocket APIs and between 50 and 30,000 milliseconds for HTTP APIs 
Content Handling Strategy  Specifies how to handle response payload content type conversions 
Description  Represents the description of an integration 
Integration Subtype  The subtype of the integration which can be AWS, AWS_PROXY, HTTP, HTTP_PROXY, or MOCK 
Pass Through Behavior  Specifies the pass-through behavior for incoming requests based on the Content-Type header in the request, and the available mapping templates specified as the requestTemplates property on the Integration resource
Request Parameter  For WebSocket APIs, a key-value map specifying request parameters that are passed from the method request to the backend. For HTTP API integrations with a specified integrationSubtype, request parameters are a key-value map specifying parameters that are passed to AWS_PROXY integrations 
Request Templates  Represents a map of velocity templates that are applied on the request payload based on the value of the Content-Type header sent by the client
Response Templates   Templates that transform the HTTP response from a backend integration before returning the response to clients
TLS Configuration  The TLS configuration for a private integration

Authorization Details

Attribute Description
Authorizer ID The authorizer identifier
Authorizer Type Specifies the REQUEST for a Lambda function using incoming request parameters or JWT for JSON Web Tokens 
Authorizer URI  The authorizer's Uniform Resource Identifier
Identity Source  The identity source for which authorization is requested 
Name  The name of the authorizer 
JWT Configuration  Represents the configuration of a JWT authorizer 
Enable Simple Response  Specifies whether a Lambda authorizer returns a response in a simple format. If enabled, the Lambda authorizer can return a boolean value instead of an IAM policy  
Payload Format Version  Specifies the format of the payload sent to an HTTP API Lambda authorizer 
Authorizer Result TTL  The time to live for cached authorizer results, in seconds 


Every API Gateway Route monitor is considered a basic monitor.

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