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AWS Systems Manager Integration

AWS Systems Manager (formerly known as SSM) is an AWS service used to view and control the AWS infrastructure. You can use the Systems Manager console to view operational data from multiple AWS services, automate operational tasks across your AWS resources, and maintain security and compliance. With Site24x7's AWS Systems Manager integration, you can monitor the list of instances managed by Systems Manager, configure thresholds for key metrics, and receive instant alerts on their breach.

In this doc, we'll cover:

Setup and configuration

Policies and permissions

Ensure the following read-level actions are present in the policy assigned to the Site24x7 IAM entity:

  • "ssm:ListCommands"
  • "ssm:DescribeInstanceInformation"
  • "ssm:ListCommandInvocations"

Polling frequency

Site24x7 queries the CloudWatch and other AWS service-level APIs as per the set polling frequency (one minute to a day) to collect metrics from AWS Systems Manager.

Viewing performance data

To view AWS Systems Manager performance data on the Site24x7 web client:

  1. Go to Cloud > AWS and click your monitored AWS account.
  2. Choose AWS Systems Manager. From the list of monitored AWS Systems Manager entities, choose the one for which you want to view metrics.
  3. View all the graphed metrics in the Summary tab.

Performance metrics supported

Metric name Description Statistic Units
Commands Delivery Timed Out The number of commands that have a terminal status Delivery Timed Out Sum Count
Commands Failed The number of commands that have a terminal status of Failed Sum Count
Commands Succeeded The number of commands that have a terminal status of Success Sum Count
Commands Active

The number of commands that have a terminal status of In Progress or Pending


The count of the commands will be taken only when the monitor is polling. The commands before the monitor poll will not be considered.

Sum Count

Monitored Resource tab

In this tab, you can view the list of instances managed by AWS Systems Manager and monitored by Site24x7.

Commands tab

Obtain details like Command ID, Status, Requested Date, Comments, Targets, Errors, Delivery Timed Out, and Completed for all the commands displayed.


Create a Threshold and Availability profile for AWS Systems Manager monitoring.

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