What is a Monitor?
Monitor refers to a resource like a server, website, web application instance or URL that is monitored for uptime and performance. Site24x7 supports many types of monitors like website, server, mail server RTT, FTP RTT, DNS, Web Page Analyzer, TCP Port monitors etc.
Each of these monitors have various performance metrics. For example,a server monitor has metrics like CPU, memory, disk utilization, network utilization, eventlogs and process metrics. Likewise a website monitor has performance metrics like first byte time, last byte time, DNS time, total response time and uptime status.
Site24x7 licensing works based on the number of monitors. There are two types of monitors.
- Basic Monitor
- Advanced Monitor
The basic monitors include:
- Website(HTTP/HTTPS)
- FTP, SMTP,POP, Telnet, SSH, DNS, Ping etc.
- Network components like switch, router etc (Ping / TCP Port using On-Premise Poller)
- Server monitoring (Windows / Linux (agent-based))
- Test SSL Certificate expiry
- Each instance of Amazon EC2 / RDS / S3 buckets.
- Each VMWare VM - (VMWare monitoring using the On-Premise Poller)
- Domain resolving (DNS)
- Database monitoring (TCP Port)
- FTP Service monitoring (FTP)
- IIS, SQL and MS Exchange server monitoring
Advanced Monitors include:
- Web application monitor
- Web page Analyzer
- Mail server Round Trip Time monitoring (basic POP and SMTP port monitoring is a Basic Monitor).
- Each JVM, .NET or Ruby application instance in Site24x7 APM Insight
- FTP upload / download round trip time and availability monitoring
Example for Licensing
Say, you want to monitor 2 physical servers running your website and its backend. In total, you will need to use three basic monitors. Two monitors for viewing detailed CPU, memory, disk performance information and one monitor for checking the website domain itself.